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Chat Line Etiquette
These guidelines are derived from the Terms of Service in light of current admin practice. They tell more of the story than do the simple (and strictly enforced) requirements found in the Main Rooms Policy.
"Chat" includes game chat lines, room chat lines, PM chat, and the KGS Leave Message facility. These guidelines also apply to the titles of game offers and to emails sent to email addresses posted in user-info pages.
- Be polite; be positive.
- Do not be cynical1, sarcastic2, or sardonic3.
- Be helpful; be polite.
- Do not make fun of other players.
- Welcome newbies (as you once hoped to be welcomed).
- Do not be cryptic, confusing, or "cute" with newbies.
- Respect other countries and cultures.
- A question that is normal in one culture may be seen as being too forward4 in another.
- Bear in mind that not everyone speaks, reads, or writes English fluently.
- Do not "mimic" or make fun of English spoken with faulty grammar or
spelling. Do not make fun of people who have difficulty understanding what
is going on.
- Do not insist another user respond to your chat.
- Some users have disabilities that limit their use of keyboards.
- Some users are intimidated by language barriers.
- The language setting selected for a user's client does not reliably
predict their native language.
- Some people might select a language for the client not because it is
their native language, but because they might want to learn it.
- The native languages of some KGS users do not have KGS client
- The country name after a language indicates the "dialect" used for the
translation. It does not indicate in which country the user is. For
example, "English (United States)" means the person writing English for the
client used English as used in the United States.
- If it's not family-friendly, don't say it.
- Don't use offensive, vulgar5, or obscene language.
- Don't use swear words.
- Don't talk "locker-room" talk; don't talk "bathroom talk."
- Don't try to hide behind medical terminology, abbreviations, the use of foreign words, or innuendo.
"Please excuse my French" is not an acceptable excuse on KGS.
- Don't use discriminatory or abusive language.
- Example 1: Don't use racist, sexist, etc. language.
- Example 2: Don't bash political figures.
- Always speak respectfully to other players. In other words, don't "dis" anybody.
- Do not say, "You don't know what you are talking about."
(Them's fight'nin words, pahtner.)
- Don't make negative remarks about another player.
- Don't say, "JoseFerras is an escaper."
- When you post a link in a chat line, give an explicit description of what is in the link.
Example: "a short history of KGS ---"
- Post links that are relevant to the topic under discussion.
- Don't post links to discriminatory, offensive, or abusive web sites.
- Don't post links to vulgar1, obscene or pornographic web sites.
- Don't shout.
- "Shouting" is when a significant portion of a line is in capital letters.
- A single word in caps is more likely to represent emphasis than shouting.
- Don't flood the screen. (Don't make it scroll too much).
- For example, don't keep typing short phrases and hitting "enter".
- Don't troll.
- Don't provoke or incite heated reactions or arguments.
- Don't proselytize.
- Do not try to draw other users into one of your pet causes or life styles.
- Avoid too much "off-topic" conversation in the main rooms.
- "Off-topic" means not related to KGS and not related to the game of Go.
- Pause an off-topic discussion if somebody types an "on-topic" comment or question.
- Stay away from controversial topics in the main rooms.
- Controversial topic can be upsetting, painful, and even offensive to a person deeply involved in that topic. Controversial topics can also intimidate newcomers.
- Use PM chat if appropriate.
- PM chat is better for most discussions between two people.
- Open up a chat window and invite the other person to meet you there.
- Don't use game offers or chat to advertise commercial services.
- Do not announce game offers in the main room chat lines more than once a day.
- Don't make new room announcements or room-sponsored event announcements more than once a day.
- This does not include KGS-sponsored event announcements.
- For serious problems, including those with another player, contact an admin via private message (PM).
- Comply with admin requests.
- Do not argue with, criticize, or question admins in a public chat line. Use PM or [email protected] for that.
- Please report clear violations, or repeated "borderline" violations, of any of these guidelines to an admin.
- It is best if you can use PM chat to report the violation. This allows the admin to deal with the violation in a timely fashion. Please give the admin at least 5 minutes to respond to your PM chat request.
- If email is used, please include the room, the time, the nature of the violation, and the user name of the violator.
This helps the admin locate the violation in the KGS chat line records. It is also nice if you can cut and paste a few lines from the chat window that show the violation.
The dictionary definitions of "cynical, sarcastic, and sardonic" are much stronger than is commonly supposed. They refer to behavior that is totally inappropriate on KGS, especially because children might be present.
1 Cynical:
- Believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity
- Doubtful as to whether something will happen or whether it is worthwhile
- most residents are cynical about efforts to clean mobsters out of their city
- Contemptuous; mocking
- Concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them
- a cynical manipulation of public opinion
2 Sarcasm: The use of irony to mock or to convey contempt
Sarcastic: Marked by or given to sarcasm
- She's witty and sarcastic.
3 Sardonic: Grimly mocking or cynical
- The butler attempted a sardonic smile.
4 "Forward" is used in the sense of being "bold or familiar in manner, esp. in a presumptuous way."
5 "Vulgar" is used in the sense of "making explicit and offensive reference to sex or bodily functions; coarse and rude".
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