The page for trying around with formatting is the sandbox, you need to create that page for your language: click on edit page (bottom of page) and if the page does not exist for your language, you can create it now. To reach it easily make a link in any of the pages of your language
(best for the beginning: table-of-contents).
on this page: . . . . . . | | 1to2KEYWORDS | 1to2KEYWORDS | 1to2KEYWORDS | 1to2KEYWORDS | |
| 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | | |
more keywords: . . . . | | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | |
other pages: . . . . . . . | | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | |
in this chapter: . . . . | | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | 1to3KEYWORDS | |
title="popup text", here in the paragraph-tag
der griechische Philosoph Sokrates
b tags a text as bold (same as strong
i tags a text as italic(same as em
tt tags a text as teletyper like formatted (= Fernschreiber)(same as <code>
doesn't work: u (underlined) - use <span style="text-decoration:underline;"> ...<span>
no no no: strike use text-decoration
also no: s
del tags a text as crossed out use text-decoration
big tags a text bigger as normal
3 times 'big' tags a text as much bigger as normal (the header tag puts extra space between the header line and the next line, it's some kind of special formatted paragraph)
small tags a text as smaller as normal
several times 'small' tags a text as much smaller as normal
MMMsup tags as superscriptMMM
MMM<sub>tags as subscript</sub>MMM
<p style="color:red">(text)</p>
<i>schief (italic)</i>
abc def ghi (style="text-align:center")
abc def ghi (... left)
abc def ghi (... right)
abc def ghi abc def ghi more text ... La ventana de estadisticas del servidor de KGS proporciona la información sobre los datos que KGS ha enviado y recivido desde su arranque, el número de usuarios conectados, el número de partidas actuales, etc. Dans un jeu pédagogique, le pédagogue/professeur (blanc, enseignant un joueur plus faible) a la possibilité d'arrêter le jeu, d'y mettre des annotations, de montrer des variations, revenir à un point donné (début ou non). SGF dosyasını yükleme..." Bilgisayarınızda kayıtlı bir SGF dosyasını sunucuya yüklemenizi sağlar. Tıkladığınızda çıkan alt menüde açık olan odalarınızın listesi görünür. Odayı seçtikten sonra "Dosya Aç" penceresi açılır. (style = justify, some browsers don't like it [I read so])
done by <p style="text-align:alignment">(...text...)</p> (this way you can format aside and combined with the stylesheet). Example:
When you use Firefox, you can (with [Ctrl]+[U]) view the source text of this page. Viewing only a small part of code: mark the text in question and in context menu chose: show selected source. div means division, class="box" relates to the stylesheet (kgsMain.css): there is written and the assignment of the values: border: thin solid black. I expanded this with the width relatively to the window: <div class="box" style="width:75%">(content of devision)<div>. The remaining 30 %: 20% is the help index, rest is free. ie, firefox and opera display it a bit different, it's a good idea to test the displaying in the sandbox.
the quote sign (’ - right small quote) in title of anything is better with ’ or needs space behind. Two small quotes don't make a problem.
test style: <style type="text/css"> <!-- declaration //--> </style> sometimes possible in the body of a page (??), but not here (tested inside and outside of paragraph), so do it with <p style="...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer id ut montes Phasellus sapien. Urna senectus enim wisi ligula nisl Pellentesque eu wisi et adipiscing. Amet justo ac tempor lorem hendrerit Quisque massa a metus et. Ridiculus habitasse pede urna cursus tincidunt adipiscing Vestibulum platea egestas et.
<span style="float: right; margin-top:5px; margin-left:5px; margin-right:5px; margin-bottom:5px;">
<img src="avatar" alt="When the picture is not shown, this text is displayed instead" title="this text is shown when the mousepointer hovers over the picture (can also be used with links, divisions (<div>), span and some other parts."/>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer id ut montes Phasellus sapien. Urna senectus enim wisi ligula nisl Pellentesque eu wisi et adipiscing. Tempus at Pellentesque elit purus risus quis Vestibulum consequat Lorem interdum. Amet justo ac tempor lorem hendrerit Quisque massa a metus et. Lobortis accumsan ullamcorper augue interdum Praesent interdum turpis justo.
style="float: center;" - is unknown! (i think there need to be some more code for having the picture floating in the text Arcu condimentum urna eget mus turpis tincidunt est elit wisi pretium. Semper nibh nunc sem eros facilisi justo tellus Cum metus nulla. Urna senectus enim wisi ligula nisl Pellentesque eu wisi et adipiscing. Tempus at Pellentesque elit purus risus quis Vestibulum consequat Lorem interdum. Amet justo ac tempor lorem hendrerit Quisque massa a metus et.
margin-bottom:20px and style="float:left; margin-top:5px; margin-left:5px;margin-bottom:20px;"
Fusce Nulla Sed ut In ac dignissim Vestibulum tincidunt elit Maecenas. Condimentum augue platea commodo molestie eleifend a sodales ut est adipiscing. Vitae semper congue quis porttitor Nulla Morbi Curabitur urna semper Sed. Ridiculus habitasse pede urna cursus tincidunt adipiscing Vestibulum platea egestas et. Lobortis accumsan ullamcorper augue interdum Praesent interdum turpis justo. Arcu condimentum urna eget mus turpis tincidunt est elit wisi pretium. Semper nibh nunc sem eros facilisi justo tellus Cum metus nulla. Nonummy consequat et et nisl nibh magna molestie a libero Suspendisse. Sagittis habitant Duis sit dui molestie cursus ac eros mauris a. Non pretium Nulla condimentum vitae porta a amet lacus feugiat tempor.
Lobortis accumsan ullamcorper augue interdum Praesent interdum turpis justo. Arcu condimentum urna eget mus turpis tincidunt est elit wisi pretium. (style="outline-color: invert; outline-style: dotted; outline-width: 1px; outline-offset: 0pt;")
Lobortis accumsan ullamcorper augue interdum Praesent interdum turpis justo. Arcu condimentum urna eget mus turpis tincidunt est elit wisi pretium. (style="outline-color: invert; outline-style: dotted; outline-width: 5px; outline-offset: 1pt;")
small text
small text
small text
- doesn't work (small-br/-/small). Could give 1/2 line in between - but i think, there is something possible with style
abrakadabra (text-decoration:line-through)
simsalabim (text-decoration:underline)
3-mal schwarzer Kater (text-decoration:blink) some browsers don't like this
Sesam öffne dich! (text-decoration:overline)